A: Marlene Byrne, Author
Any author will admit that on some days the words flow and on others it's impossible to string together one sentence.
For me, I am defined as a "plotter." I create an outline for my books prior to writing a single chapter. My outline is NEVER realized when I finish, but it provides a sort of roadmap to my journey.
When I feel like I have lost momentum in my writing, I put aside that section of the book. I move to another chapter or create a vignette story that I want in the story without knowing exactly where it will fit.
When I get really stuck, I return to my character development sheets. I like to detail each character's idiosyncrasies, their physical characteristics and their relationship to others in the story. I almost always find inspiration as I review and extend the character profiles.
If I am really stuck in my writing, I get up and give my mind a break. Doing something different like visiting a museum or hiking in nature can provide an opportunity to get the creative juices flowing. Getting away from the computer - or the "trees" - can give you a new view of the forest.
